Devonthink pro and sql query
Devonthink pro and sql query

devonthink pro and sql query

In v3 you’ll have #-tags and folders (all multi-level) on top of the calendar based system. The syntax-hiding is still not quite right. The editor in v2 was still is quite clunky, it greatly improved in v3. It’s great to have those files indexed in other tools (DevonThink) or accessible from other OS. They are moving to a database right now, but as far as I understood it, they want to maintain the flat file copy. I liked about Noteplan 2 that it was a flat file sync that basically created txt/md files in folders in iCloud. Judging by the beta Noteplan 3 will move even more in the direction of being calendar focussed. Foo on me for being impatient for a new toy.) (I admired Agenda’s pricing model, until it tricked myself recently into buying a new 12-month subscription when I got the strong impression that I had to do that do get the share extension – then it came out of beta 5 days after I paid the bill and the extension was free.

#Devonthink pro and sql query full

There’s more, but I come down on the side of preferring NotePlan because it just doesn’t get in the way of work, where Agenda is fiddly and tweaky and full of itself. Both apps do well across macOS and iOS/iPadOS, but to my eyes Agenda’s design and multitude of sliding panels and sidebars on iOS/iPadOS are off-putting and a substantial drag on usefulness.Agenda is slick but I think its opinionated design gets in the way of utility.

devonthink pro and sql query

NotePlan has a simple, pedestrian design.Agenda finally came up with a share extension and it is very well thought out. Agenda makes it difficult to get all your data out - you have to do this on a note-by-note basis. NotePlan keeps your data in plain text files.

devonthink pro and sql query

There are pros and cons to how well they do what they do, in my eyes. Though they both operate different, they basically do the same thing. I think it takes a particular kind of mindset and discipline to use a calendar-centric note taking app like Agenda or NotePlan.

Devonthink pro and sql query